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Seriously LOL Books

Dear Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks

Thank you for helping me to add nine (NINE!) books to my TBR; I am normally quite cautious about adding books to my TBR. I like to keep it under 100, but I've gone wild with a current whopping 135. Another area in which I am conservative: 5 star reviews on Goodreads. How could I not give you five stars? Top three reasons you earned five stars from me: (1) your voice (I felt like you were talking right to me. I laughed out loud (literally) more than once.) (2) I gifted you to two people this Christmas! (3) You are so relatable! I attribute your relatableness to a few factors: we are super close in age, we both have literary jobs (I'm an English teacher), and we both LOVE reading more than the average reading lover, and anyone who would classify themselves this way should read you too! I could write more, but I don't want to be too weird. 



P.S. I loved your episode on "What Should I Read Next?"

Heartburn by Nora Ephron 1983


I read about this book in Annie Spence’s book Dear Fahrenheit 451, and I knew I had to listen to it once I heard that it was read by Meryl Streep! It seems impossible that the conflict of a particularly despicable infidelity could be hilarious, but it WAS SO FUNNY. Ephron’s voice is just the best. This was written before When Harry Met Sally, and there were definitely some close correlations in the writing. I have seen When Harry Met Sally approximately 50 times, so I could definitely see some borrowed material. That only made reading it more fun. Ephron was a hugely funny lady, and Meryl Streep is beyond perfect to read it. This novel was written in the early 80’s, and it really has staying power. Any female teens to any age (though maybe not the prim set) would enjoy this novel. The perfect audience are those who have been married or in long term relationships as the themes tie heavily to that issue.

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